Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Words of wisdom 2

You are Gods letter, people will read your life

As long as sin isn't bitter, Jesus will never taste sweet

The bible never says live by feelings, but live by truth and good deads because the truth will set you free & feelings will follow

We are a walking treasure box. We walk around not knowing how much is in us, how much God has given us! If we just opened it up we could experience peace and be content.

We will never be content because we are always searching for things we already have. 

Your peace is not based on what you have, it's based on what I have received from Jesus Christ

The more you grow in knowledge of God, the more you grow in Grace.

We are constantly trying to do things for the Lord. Calm down! I'd God can fully use the crippled, homeless, sick, etc. so he can most definitely use us! Just simply depend on Jesus Christ.

Where ever you go, God will make you Holy. The places or the people there cannot make you Holy. If they bring you away from God's gift of Holiness then leave. 

You will have low self esteem if you look to your deeds and not to grace!

Situations can make you hopeless. You do not see the beginning and the end. Don't let your past rule your life, ony enlarge your future! 

People always want to know if there is  a way out, want to have hope to get them out of the situation (ex. The movie 2012: Doomsday). How can you save yourself if it's the END of the world? It contradicts itself

The question is not if it will happen or when it happens, but the question is what IF it happens? How is your life... How have you been living? We are one with the Lord Jesus no matter our mistakes, that should give us hope! 

Don't easily condemn people, just learn from them

When you have hope, you can look through the horizon and see God has everything in his hands

This is a troubled world with lots of lonely and hurting people. Don't look for them, they will look for you. They will look and see your trust in God. Just be there, in a very peaceful circumstance, and they will find you and find hope in Christ

Worldly hope expresses the desire for things that may happen. Biblical hope is based on the things that have already happened in and through Christ.

You will go back home and not know what went on while being gone. If you have hope in Christ you will survive because you know more and have gained more wisdom than the others. We have he truth!

Don't do things because you have to, do it because you want to develop an attiude of Christ in what you do

The size of your hope determines the size of your faith

First the cross, then the crown

Dare to be different, dare to be holy!

Different thinking=different living

The battle for the mind is spiritual, so we need the Spirit to win this battle (2 Cor. 10:3-5)

Strongholds are deeply helbdestructive habits of thinking and living without God. Wrong habits burned into our minds. They are called flesh patterns and are similar to what psychologist call 'defence mechanisms'

Deal with your past or else it will deal with you

Instead of asking, who can I please? Ask how can I please God?

My relationship with God determines my relationship with other people

You don't solve problems by not talking!

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