Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Out come the textbooks

5 Days In...I am still alive!

Other than having to hand wash my dishes and the lack of actual 'meals' res/uni life has been amazing! I feel so at home and I have met a bundle of really nice people whom I hope to get tight with over the years =] I will recap what I have been up to with residence:

My Roomies: Charmaine, Taiba, and Vanessa! They are all wicked =] Charmaine (shes pretty quiet!) came from a town just south of edmonton, Vanessa is from Red Deer and Taiba is all the way from India (she just got here today =]). Vanessa (most similar to me) and I are room neighbours and the other 2 are on the other side of the living room! I have hit it off with all of them and we seem to really connect well. No problems with dirty dishes...we all wash them right after we use them so that is wicked =]

Building D: We are located right across from the tennis courts and so I have been going out every day to play tennis with my friend Ashley and roomie Vanessa. We plan on getting really good before it snows haha. My RA is a wicked guy named Hez. He is soo funny and wants to do a lot of floor outings (going to the Zoo ont he 18th!). I have connected with a lot of the girls in the building which is awesome and I love it here!!

Res Activities!:

-Sunday: we had our floor meeting with our RA and the people on the floor and then went over as a group to one of the theatres to watch a 'loose moose' improv show which was funny!

-monday: Mini Olympics! By far the best ever! I bonded with my teammates soo much and laughed a ton! We didn't end up winning first place but we did have a pizza party at my RA's place ( which is right next to ours!) at night. Watched Fresh Prince!

-tuesday: Movie in the park! It was also our first orientation day which was kind of long but good to get a grasp of the campus and what goes on. The movie was at night outside projected onto a screen and there was free popcorn!

-wednesday: Ikea trip! and last day of orientation. The orientation for me was just with the interior design department so that was a lot better haha After dinner buses came to take whoever wanted to go to Ikea! I walked around with Ashley and Vanessa looking at all the neat stuff and ended up getting a few things that we needed for the apartment.

TOMORROW IS THE FIRST DAY OF CLASSES! I have an art history class at 9:30 am and then English at 3 so it isn't too bad! But I guess I should head to bed.

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