Monday, September 26, 2011


Where shall I begin....

So I am heading into my 4th week of good ol' university and things are starting to turn into a routine which is great! I have been struggling trying to prioritize and balance everything but since I went home this weekend I had time to refocus and get my head on straight! I am ready now to come back and attack things at a different angle!

Classes are starting to become a bit overwhelming with all the new daily information being drilled into my mind! I definitely miss having tests because they gave you an excuse to actually learn and memorize! I am quite enjoying the amount of projects though...puts me in a creative mindset 24/7 =].

It is great to start having some 'theory' behind what I enjoy! Now when I watch design shows I can understand the process they are taking and the lingo that they use. And now when I get my style at home magazine I have a new level of excitement! haha So in short, this is where I am suppose to be =]

Hmmm I don't really have much else to say! All in all, things are going great and I am still loving it! haha

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