Monday, May 30, 2011

The Verdict is in...

WOW! So life has decided to pick up a few notches which leaves me with no time to blog!

I started a job at the Country Hills Golf Club a month ago and am loving it! It does involve early mornings (5 am) but being outside at that time is soo peaceful and gorgeous =]. You see a whole new side to Calgary! By the time I get home (some days its 10:45, others its 2:15) I sleep for a few hours than catch up on chores and duties around the house. I barely have time to even check emails! I will be doing this till June 28th when I start day camps at Foothills Alliance church.

Anyways, I got something VERY important in the mail today....MY ACCEPTANCE LETTER FOR INTERIOR DESIGN! I was getting quite worried because I was told I would find out within the last 2 weeks and so I figured I didn't get in. Boy, was I wrong! I still can't believe it =P. I have been wanting this since I was 13! and Competing against 117 other applicants from across Canada,I was in for a ride! God has shown me his grace throughout this whole experience. I have leaned on Him so much and he has pulled me through. Also, I have a HUGE support system behind me and it makes me confident to head into my future at full force knowing that I have help along the way. Thank you all soo much for your support,patience, and encouragment =]

Also, I have been starting art lessons with one of the greatest artists I know, Jim Watt! I go to his place every Saturday and indulge in inspiring ideas and great technique! I have regretted not taking art classes for so long so I decided to do something about that! =P Hopefully this will also help me for the upcoming school year. Right now we are learning perspectives!

Hope everything is going great and you are rejoicing in the 'lack of rain' these days!

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