Friday, March 25, 2011

Last post in Spain!



So Grad was yesterday!! Wow, it was soo emotional! I cannot believe that 10 weeks have passed by and I have been filled so much with the Holy Spirit! He has blessed me so much and I cannot wait to continue experiencing his love at home!!
For dinner they prepared a yummy meal for us consisting of yams,potatoes,chicken,salad and dessert was provided after the ceremony and was chocolate cake and parfait(GREAT comfort food =]).

We ate at 7 and finished at 7:30...this gave us 1 hour to go crazy with our cameras! Soo many pictures were taken and it was pretty loud. Finally it was time for the ceremony to begin at 8:30 pm. The moment we have all been anxiously waiting for!
Order of 'Service'
There were lots of tears and great memories but everyone is excited and happy about what is going to happen in the next few chapters of their lives!!

Marie, My RA!

Joe's 2 youngest kids

The packing is finally done! =[
To re-cap the last week spent at Rio Vida I will just talk about the High-lights!
-Trip of Solitude on monday (5 hours alone in a mountain)
-Fun night on Monday (school's talent show!! I sang our last 2 bible verses with my bible study group...we didn't have them memorized and so while Cindy was on the phone with Joe for a few min we quickly put the verses to a familiar tune!)
-Watching Chariots of Fire on Wednesday. Such an inspirational movie..showing the difference between a life lived for God/glorifying Him through what you do and a life lived for ones self
-Ladies tea time on Wednesday...all the girls went into the basement with our cozy blankets and spent time in prayer for one another!
-Rachel and I spent wednesday night alone in our room having a sleepover! She moved her mattress down to the floor and we fell asleep listening to Dr. Suess =P
-I ate the Last kit kat bar of Rio Vida 2011!! Those things made me gain atleast 10 pounds haha

-Writing a note of wisdom for the Girls that come next year (winter term 2012). It makes me excited thinking that God is at work in other girls lives and will be placing them here to go through the same experience I have gone through! =]

Well, hopefully I can update my blog atleast once in Italy but chances are I will be on the go too much! Heidi and I leave tomorrow at 5 am for the airport and arrive in Venice around 9:45 am.


P.S. I arrive home on April 5th =] CAN'T WAIT!

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