Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oh, Thursdays...

This week has been FLYING by!! I can't believe that another week has almost Sad!
Well, the only eventful day this week was TODAY! =P It is the first day of rain (it has been raining all day and I left some of my laundry hanging outside...). We were suppose to go play soccer and basketball today after our last lecture this morning but we ended up having an extra hour of free time! I took advantage of it and started typing up all my notes so I don't have to bring home a bunch of papers =P.
I shared my testimony today!! We do a thing called devotionaries every day and so far the staff has been doing it but today was the first day of the students turn. I had to go first cause of my last name (B) lol. EVERYONE loved it!! =] I have been told that I looked so comfortable up there, I am a great public speaker, I kept their attention and I touched their hearts! That just gave me a Huge boost of confidence in my public speaking. I loved all the encouragement I received! I didn't really have a plan of what I was going to say but I focused it around the Armor of God ( Eph. 6:10-18). I made up my own pieces of Armor for a visual haha. I told everyone about how we all face a spiritual warfare everyday and that we need to put on the armor to prevent Satan's attacks. I included some of my own personal experiences but by the end I just could feel God putting things on my heart and flowing through me. It was amazing! I love God =] Now my stress/anxiety is gone and I don't have to worry about it anymore while I am here. I do lead a Bible study next week but it is only for my group of 6 girls (not as intimidating).
School seems to be getting very busy now...I have actually started to make a To-Do list! and I get a book report tomorrow =[ But this is way better than homework...this is all work that involves learning about God! I always feel inspired afterwards.
My experience here has been amazing so far but I do miss being home! I cannot wait to go back and start living my life as a transformed Godly Woman!

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