Sunday, December 26, 2010

Family Fellowship

Every year Christmas seems to go by in a flash. You get butterflies as you race down the stairs to the tree where you discover a plump stocking and a flourish of brightly wrapped gifts. From the moment you open your first gift things start to unfold in double time and before you know it you are sitting back, with a full belly, marveling at the wonderful gifts you have received. Thankfully, this year was different. I made a pact that I would prolong this Christmas, and to do this I made family a priority of my day. Oh how I love my family! We had fellowship over a 500 piece puzzle, we sat around a neatly decorated table (by moi =] ) and shared jokes and memories, as well as fitting 6 of us on a couch to watch the movie 'Inception' (brain twister!). All in all, this was a fabulous Christmas with a deeper meaning.

I am happy to announce that I have received another year subscription to 'Style @ Home' which has me ecstatic! =] So this means a lot more inspirations and projects to come!!

Speaking of projects, I took on the challenge of decorating the table for Christmas Dinner this year! Wow, what pressure! Now I know how my mom feels every year...lots of attention to detail & spacing, has to reflect Christmas, and the budget had to stay minimal!

In the end, it was a success! My first table setting ever =]. Everyone loved it! I will post pictures really soon (for right now, my laptop is choosing to take a vacation from me over the holidays...getting it fixed on Wednesday!)

I hope everyone stuffed their bellies, received gifts of love, and took part in family fellowhip!
Now, it is time to get ready for the welcoming of 2011!


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